Nostalgia will always have a really special place in my heart.

As a 1995 baby, I’ve seen the world change from notebooks and flip phones to Snapchat and TikTok. Some days, I long for the past – I want to go back to the days of completing the Pizza Hut reading challenge, pouring my heart out in my old voice-activated password diary pages, or sharing my angstiest thoughts and feelings with strangers on And sure, nostalgia is a bit of a liar because things were still hard when I was a kid. But I think what I really miss is just how possible everything felt back then. That enthusiasm for life, that excitement – it’s healing. Because, the truth is that life, even when it’s really good, is punctuated by moments we can’t imagine surviving until we have to. But still, we gotta keep living. So why not dream big again? Why not consider the ways the world could be better, and work to make it that way?

And from that, Sincerely, Celisia was born.

It’s your weekly dose of inspiration, a love note from me to you. It’s a little package to help you stay excited about life and all its possibilities – things to experience, recipes to cook, events to attend, articles worth reading, podcasts to keep up with, cool people to keep on your radar, and more! Consider me your big sister, your middle school bestie, or your cool cousin who stays up all night giggling with you at sleepovers. 

If you subscribe for free, you’ll get…

  • My weekly Friday newsletter, a space dedicated to helping us all find enthusiasm and excitement, even when especially when things get hard. My personal musings on identity, culture, community, connection, and more as we navigate the highs and lows of the world together!

  • Curated recommendations that help you get straight to the good stuff, saving you time and energy! From easy + delicious recipes and captivating reads, to perspective-shifting articles and podcasts, I promise to only bring you shit that’s actually worth your time.

  • Occasional writing prompts and suggestions on how to get involved to promote active reflection and engagement with your community and the issues that matter most.

If you decide to become a paid subscriber, you’ll get everything free subscribers get plus

  • My monthly bonus issue, a special roundup I share with my closest internet friends. In these issues, you’ll get exclusive access to content you won't find in my normal Friday posts, including but not limited to special recommendations of the things I’ve been especially loving lately, extra-personal stories from my life, and behind-the-scenes interviews with special guests.

  • Access to exclusive custom-designed challenges, built to help drive us all towards our goals and mutual flourishing <3

  • A big, enthusiastic “THANK YOU” for joining our paid community. ❤️

Whether you subscribe for free or take advantage of the paid perks, I’m so happy you’re here! Looking forward to keeping the childhood spark alive with you <3

A Little About Me

Hi! I’m Celisia. :)

I’m a writer, wedding photographer, and podcast creator. I host the podcasts The Vanishing Point, and Truer Crime – which I started after becoming the victim of a large financial fraud scheme at the end of 2020. You can read more about the story behind Truer Crime here, and hear my financial fraud story here.

I currently live in Minneapolis with my three cats (Jean-Jacques, Piedmont, and Newton), and my husband, Andrew. While Substack is definitely my favorite platform (check me out over on Notes!), you can also find me on Instagram @celisiastanton.

See you Friday!

Subscribe to Sincerely, Celisia

A weekly love letter brimming with nostalgia, inspiration, and curated gems to keep you excited about all life's possibilities.


Curating a life/community/legacy worth fighting for, one passionate side quest at a time. Writer of Sincerely, Celisia, a newsletter for people doing the same.