Why is the Housing Market Sooo Bad Right Now? 🏘 (PS #56)
The one where a millennial comes to terms with the hand she’s been dealt.
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Hi friends!
A couple of weeks ago, I shared some big news – Andrew and I bought a house! We’re almost completely on the other side of it now (we close very soon! eee!), but it wasn’t exactly easy to get here. And here’s the thing. I hate how opaque the housing market and home-buying process is. We live in a country where buying a house is considered one of the major “indicators of success” and yet, we live in a time where homebuying is both prohibitively expensive and astonishingly complex. As a Black woman and the granddaughter of Central American immigrants, I did not grow up thinking that home ownership was my birthright. Quite the contrary. And throughout my own journey, I’ve continually wished that talking about these things was less taboo and more transparent! So, I wanted to share a bit more about my journey with you — the knowledge I gained and the bumps along the way.