P.S. - oh no oops sorry that wasn’t meant for you!! 😬 (Bonus Issue #47)
A collection of mixed-up texts, accidental phone calls, and embarrassing mistakes.
Hi friends!
A few weeks ago I asked the Sincerely, Celisia community to send me your best stories of messages sent to the wrong person and y’all came through!! I collected my favorites below (and may or may not have included an anonymized story from my own life 👀)! All names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty. Enjoy!
Haunting High School Drama
I have a story from high school! I meant to text my friend Kiera to tell her I was pissed at our other friend, Emma. I texted “Emma is pissing me off I want to slap her” but I sent it to Emma accidentally 🤣🤣🤣🤣 oops. She was like “oh do you ????” And I forget how I reacted tbh but I prob was like “yea, I did bitch!” but then silently died inside.
A Premature Firing
I work at a small company and the two owners are both in their 70s and not great with tech. One of them is always texting various staff members about things. We had this office manager last year who was totally inept, never showed up for work, spent half the day at Target, claimed she was working from home, and never logged into the computer remotely or returned calls. There had been a lot of talk of moving on from her, but my bosses felt bad for her (she had some wild family problems, I’ll admit) and dithered in doing so. Things eventually came to a head when one of my bosses was texting the other about firing this office manager and somehow accidentally sent the message to a group chat including both me and the office manager herself. Safe to say, her tenure at our practice ended about a week later.