P.S. - 📽 MORE Movie Recommendations for Every Mood 📽 (Bonus Issue #48)
What to turn on when you need to cry, feel indecisive, and more!
Do you have the best mom?? Or are you a mom yourself!? I'm cooking up something special for Mother's Day and I’m looking for the best pieces of advice you’ve heard from the mom or mom-like figure in your life! Any life advice you’ve carried with you or that you love telling your own kids is welcome and appreciated. Don’t gate-keep your mom!! Reply to this email or leave a comment with the best tidbit of wisdom that made a difference for you. ❤️ I’ll be sharing a collection of faves in an upcoming issue. All submissions will be kept anonymous. (unless you’d prefer not to be!)
Hi friends!
Did you see my mood-based movie recommendations from a few weeks ago? As a certified mood-watcher, I love finding the perfect movie to suit the precise experience I’m looking for on any given day. So today, I’m back with even more movies for even more moods! Below you’ll find my top recommendations for when you need a good cry, your group just can’t agree on what to watch, and lots more!
So now in 3… 2…1… Action!
The Perfect Nostalgic Watch
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
I was SO excited to see this sweet childhood favorite of mine translated from page to screen. It’s a faithful adaptation of the Judy Bloom classic, but somehow still felt fresh and relevant more than 50 years after the novel was first released. It was so nice to see such a relatable representation of being a young girl and navigating the intense and complicated feelings of growing up.