P.S. - 8 Mouth-Watering Recipes You Need to Try 🍳 (Bonus Issue #42)
A roundup of cooking videos actually *worth* making at home!
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Hi friends!
Last fall, I shared the article How Cooking Videos Took Over the World (gift link) by Priya Krishna and Umi Syam. The piece is super interactive, making for a really fun exploration through the history of cooking videos, integrating interactive, multimedia elements as you scroll through the writing. I loved this historical look at something that dominates my newsfeeds – the social media cooking video.
I’m always bookmarking new recipes to try, and in the last year, I’ve really made an effort to actually make said recipes. I admit it – I have had the habit of digitally hoarding these videos with the *intention* of going back, paired with zero follow-through. But no longer! I’ve tried a ton, and below you will find a wrap-up of some of my faves. Enjoy!